2025 European Year of Digital Citizenship Education
The entire iriv team wishes you a very happy 2025 under the sign of digital citizenship education. It is vital in a world where access to information is increasingly easy but also to misinformation, fertile ground for hybrid war. The proper use of social networks is particularly important also for young people, victims or perpetrators of cyberbullying. A very fruitful and inspiring year for all!
This New Year starts with the Polish presidency of the European Union. May the Solidarnosc spirit inspire Europeans !
Our Institute has adopted a Charter of secularism. For further information on our publications : www.iriv-publications.net
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The entire iriv team wishes you a very happy 2025 under the sign of digital citizenship education. It is vital in a world where access to information is increasingly easy but also to misinformation, fertile ground for hybrid war. The proper use of social networks is particularly important also for young people, victims or perpetrators of cyberbullying. A very fruitful year for all!
This New Year starts with the Polish presidency of the European Union. May the Solidarnosc spirit inspire Europeans !
European years are the pretext for awareness campaigns on a specific theme to encourage debate and dialogue in and between EU countries. They draw the attention of national governments to the chosen theme and aim at both informing and changing mentalities. The European Commission proposes the theme for each European Year, which is then adopted by the European Parliament and the governments of the EU Member States. European Years have been around for almost 40 years, but they do not necessarily occur every year.
In 2025, the European Year was proposed by the Council of Europe, a different European institution and predecessor to the European Union, created in 1949, in Strasbourg, often presented as an anteroom to the European Union. It has 47 members in 2025. The European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025 will allow Member States to set common goals, exchange good practices, measure results and work together on a roadmap for the future. It will raise awareness of the changes that digital technology brings, the benefits of online environments, and their knowledge and skills to avoid their drawbacks. How to participate in a culture of democracy and live in peace with others in culturally diverse democratic societies?
Our Institute has adopted a Charter of secularism. For further information on our publications : www.iriv-publications.net
← Hide Publications of the iriv in 2025
Since March 2022, the iriv is publishing a monthly newsletter "Solidarity Ukraine". The 35th issue was published on January 1st, 2025 - Blue Hour. All issues are gathered on a weblog - https://solidarite-ukraine.blogspot.com/
Since 2022, iriv has published articles for the association Salam. The article of February 2025 is entitled- advocacy for Syrian refugees. The articles are gathered in a weblog - https://actions-migration.blogspot.com/
The last issue of our electronic review was published on the 5th of December 2024 - "Storm". The next issue is published in May 2025 and dedicated to romantism. All issues of our electronic review are available on www.benevolat.net.
The last issue of our Newsletter on Diversity was published the 15th of November 2024 - "diversity in the Olympics". The next issue to be published in March 2025 is dedicated to Digital diversity. All issues of the Newsletter are available on https://www.superdiversite.net
The president of iriv wrote an article about an experiment on "Emotional and social skills" for the Editors Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), to be published in 2025.
iriv publishes all the publications of its projects ; for instance the newsletters which are available on https://www.club-iriv.net/infolettres . Since 2024, Olympic year, iriv’s publications are presented our "Media" section to give them more visibility.
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The Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv) has been associated since 24 February 2022 with international solidarity in favour of Ukraine attacked by Russia. This new war in Europe is not peripheral, it is existential for the European Union and its influence in the world.The 35th issue is published on January 1, 2025 - blue hour. All issues are gathered on a weblog that explains the methodolical approach adopted by our newsletter, inspired by the teachings of Lifelong Learning - https://solidarite-ukraine.blogspot.com/
Since 2022, iriv has published articles for the association Salam which supports exiles in Calaisis and Dunquerkois (North of France). They are published monthly since Septembre 2024 with a post on LinkedIn. The article of February 2025 is entitled- advocacy for Syrian refugees. The articles are gathered in a weblog - https://actions-migration.blogspot.com/
The last issue of our electronic review was published on the 5th of December 2024 - "Storm". The next issue is to published on the 27th of May 2025- "romantism". Our electronic review is available on www.benevolat.net. Our electronic journal, since 2004, sheds light on Volunteering and Lifelong Education & Training, based on a common theme. If you want to submit an article - please contact us.
The last issue of our Newsletter on Diversity was published on the 15th of November 2024 dedicated to the diversity in the Olympics. The next issue is to be published the 15th of March 2025 - digital diversity. Alll issues of the Newsletter are available on http://www.superdiversite.net.
iriv publishes all the publications of its projects including newsletters or French weblogs that are available on https://www.club-iriv.net/ . The president of the iriv has coordinated several ebooks in the past years tacking specific issues such as Managing Diversity through Creativity for the project Think Diverse (2023) ; or ebook) - Growth mindset for the GRIT project (2021) or Volunteering to combat Early School Leaving for the CLASS project (2021) or Accompanying professionals supporting migrants for the DiverPass project (2021).
In 2024, the president of iriv wrote an article about an experiment on "Emotional and social skills" to which she was associated (2014-2024) by an international organization specializing in Diversity for the Editors Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group) as part of a collective book edited by Caitlin Fahy, Maria N. Gravani, Stephen O'Brien and George K. Zafiris "Understanding the Experiences of Adult Educators", to be published in 2025.
Since 2024, Olympic year, when iriv’s publications have exceeded 40 issues (newsletters & electronic review with normal and exceptional numbers such as the daily publications for the Olympics), they are presened in our "Media" section to give them more visibility.
← HideLectures & presentations by iriv in 2025
The IRIV and its president have led or participated in conferences, European seminars or training courses. The president of iriv is a member of two scientific committees of the Swiss ECAP foundation (since 2015) and of the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC) of Ile de France (since 2017).
For the OEC Ile de France, the president of iriv has been participating in the work of its Associations Committee since 2017. For more information - https://comite-associations-oec-idf.blogspot.com/
For the Swiss Fondation ECAP, she has been a member of the scientific committees on migration in Switzerland and Europe since 2015. The Foundation will celebrate its 55th birthday in March 2025 in Zurich. For more information - https://www.club-iriv.net/
For Faisceau convergent, the president of iriv has been collaborating since 2023 with its festival of short films on diversity, whose 6th edition is expected in 2024. For more information- https://www.club-iriv.net/
For more information on the iriv’s interventions and advice: http://www.iriv.net/interventions
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The IRIV and its president lead or participate in conferences, European seminars or training courses. The president of iriv is a member of two scientific committees - the Swiss ECAP foundation (since 2015) and the Association Committee of the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC) in Ile de France (since 2017).
For the OEC IdF, the president of iriv has been participating in the work of its Associations Committee since 2017. She co-organized two editions of her World Associative Day, moderated round tables and workshops, wrote several articles for Jurisassociations and was a member of the jury of memorials' graduate. For more information - https://comite-associations-oec-idf.blogspot.com.
For the ECAP, she has been a member of the scientific committees on migration in Switzerland and Europe since 2015. In this context, she presented several projects related to migration initiated by iriv or for which it was a French partner. The ECAP Foundation will celebrate its 55t birthday in March 2025 in Zurich. For more information - https://www.club-iriv.net/types/action-migrant/1
For Faisceau convergent, the president of iriv has been collaborating since 2023 on its festival of short films on diversity. She was part of the jury of the 5th edition 2023 for which she interviewed several directors and actors of the short films selected. She will participate to the 6th edition of the Festival des Courts to be held in 2025 in Paris. For more information- https://www.club-iriv.net/ .
For more information on the iriv’s interventions and advice: http://www.iriv.net/interventions
← HideEuropean projects on Volunteering and VPL
iriv has been a partner in many national and European projects tackling the issue of volunteering as an example of non formal and informal learning, and the role of not for profit sector since 1998.
The iriv president works in 2025 to work on these topics for the Association Committee of the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC) - regular meetings; hosting webinars, workshops or round tables; publication of articles for Jurisassociations. All facets of her commitment are presented on - https://comite-associations-oec-idf.blogspot.com/
An iriv project portal has been developed to present them on - https://www.iriv-vaeb.net/
In this context, iriv has developed actions on the ground to test the strategies and tools developed for its projects accessible on http://www.club-iriv.net .All publications related to its projects are published on the portal - https://www.iriv-publications.net/
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iriv has been a partner in many national and European projects tackling the issue of volunteering as an example of non formal and informal learning, and the role of not for profit sector since 1998.
The president of the iriv works in 2025 on the topic of volunteering and its valorisation, and on the non-profit sector within the framework of the Association Committee of the Order of Accountants (OEC) - regular meetings; facilitation of webinars, workshops or round tables; publication of articles for Jurisassociations. All facets of her commitment are presented on - https://comite-associations-oec-idf.blogspot.com/
An iriv project portal has been developed to present them - https://www.iriv-vaeb.net. For each project, the goal and objectives, milestones, achievements, European team (skills gathered) and publications related to the project are presented.
As part of the experimentation of its projects, iriv has developed actions on the ground to test the strategies and tools developed, and build partnerships (with colleges in particular in Essonne between 2013 and 2021) or associations. All information is available on http://www.club-iriv.net .
Publications related to individual projects are the best way to disseminate results after the project completion. They are varied- articles for scientific journals, final reports, conference papers. They are gathered in the portal - https://www.iriv-publications.net/
← HideProjects on Migration and Mobility
iriv has been a leader/partner in many national and European projects on migration, migration skills and how to improve social and professional support of migrant audiences, and on the strategic role of migration since 2003.
The president of iriv works on migration for the association SALAM or the Swiss foundation ECAP. All facets of her engagement are presented on - https://actions-migration.blogspot.com/
An iriv project portal dedicated to migration has been developed to present them - https://www.iriv-migrations.net/
Field actions to test developed strategies and tools are presented on https://www.club-iriv.net. Publications related to the different projects on migration are gathered in the portal - https://www.iriv-publications.net/.
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iriv has been a partner in many national and European projects on migration, migratory skills and how to improve social and professional support of a migrant audience, and on the strategic role of migration since 2003.
The president of iriv works on migration by a regular article for the association SALAM supporting exiles in Dunkerquois and Calaisis together with a regular participation in the scientific committee of the Swiss foundation ECAP created for Defending the rights of expats in Switzerland. All facets of her engagement are presented on - https://actions-migration.blogspot.com/
An iriv project portal dedicated to migration has been developed to present them - https://www.iriv-migrations.net/ For each project, the subject and objectives, milestones, achievements, European team (skills) and publications related to the project are presented.
As part of the experimentation of its projects, iriv has conducted actions on the ground to test the strategies and tools designed, and built numerous partnerships including a monthly club at the Cité des Métiers (2012-2022). All information is available at https://www.club-iriv.net
Publications related to projects on migration are the best way to disseminate results after project completion. They are various- articles for associations, final reports, communications at conferences. They are grouped in the portal - https://www.iriv-publications.net/
← HideProject on Diversity and Disinformation
The iriv has worked on the topic of diversity since 2013 directly with three European projects-
The iriv has worked on the diversity issue since 2013 directly with three European projects- Di & Di (2013-2015); MigrAid (2016-2019) and Think Diverse (2021-2023), even if this theme was transversal to all its European projects since 1997 (cross-sectional priority) ; especially in the GRIT project (2018-2021) or the CLASS project (2019-2021).
iriv has designed a portal tackling all the facets of diversity-Superdiversity (2020-2021) regularly updated by a biannual newsletter on diversity.
The Solidarity Ukraine weblog developed is part of this approach - diversity, an indicator of democracy in Ukraine’s fight against Russia. The weblog Paris Olympics 2024 has also enriched the diversity approach as sport (in all its aspects) is a meaningful support to spread the word on diversity.
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Since 2013, IRIV has been working on the theme of diversity directly with three European projects- Di& Di (2013-2015) initiated by IRIV with Enda Europe in 5 countries (France, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria and Switzerland); MigrAid (2016-2019) initiated by the Cypriot Labour Institute (INEK-PEO) in 5 countries (Cyprus, Greece, Denmark, France and Italy) and Think Diverse (2021-2023) initiated by Eurosviluppo in three countries (Italy, France and Spain). This theme was transversal to all its European projects since 1997 (transversal priority) ; especially in the GRIT project (2018-2021) with a growth mindset perspective or the CLASS project (2019-2021) that has designed a training for students on disinformation.
In this context, iriv has developed a portal-Superdiversity (2020-2021) regularly updated by a biannual newsletter on diversity (all its facets). It offers a glossary of concepts related to diversity (and its part darkens discriminations), resources, examples of projects. These are the broad-based diversity of learning (non-formal and informal, intercultural competence...), main sources of discrimination (gender, ethnic or cultural origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation) in various contexts (school, business, public sector...).
The Solidarité Ukraine weblog developed in 2024 is part of this approach - diversity, an indicator of democracy in the fight of Ukraine against Russia. It proposes a cognitive approach (to move from emotions to reason). Each year proposes a new angle of attack- 2022 (emotions & psyschological profiles of the belligerents), 2023 (strategy of pottery dogs or psychological war), 2024 (international comparison with other conflicts), 2025 (preparing for peace). The weblog Paris Olympics 2024 has also enriched the diversity approach as sport (in all its aspects) is a meaningful support to spread the word on diversity as sport is a weapon of soft power and smart power.
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