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Spain - Année européenne du bénévolat 2011

Learn more, see the report of the European Commission about volunteering in Spain

Asociación Española de Voluntariado, AEVOL

The Spanish Association for Volunteering was founded in 1995 to promote volunteering effort in Spain. Its activities address immigrants, drug addicts, the elderly and women in need. The AEVOL organises every year the Global Youth Service Day (GYSD), to promote volunteering and to train young people for voluntary activities. In June 2000 the Spanish Association for Volunteering organised a great international conference in Madrid to meet national voluntary centres, associations, public institutions and the media.

Asociación Española de Voluntariado
Gran Vía 17 A
28013 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 523 36 24
Fax: +34 91 523 37 26
E-mail: aevol@retemail.es
Web site: http://personal.iddeo.es/aevol

Plataforma para la Promocion del Voluntariado en Espana
C/ Fuentes, 10
1º Izda
Tel.: +34 902 12 05 12
Fax : +34 91 541 14 21
E-mail: ppve@arrakis.es
Web site: http://www.ppve.org

Federació Catalana del Voluntariat Social
Pere Vergès 1, 11è
08020 Barcelona
Tel. : +34 93 314 19 00
Fax : + 34 93 314 11 08
E-mail: serveisgenerals@federacio.net
Web site: http://www.federacio.net/ca

Fundación de la solidaridad y el voluntariado de la comunidad valenciana
Calle Fuencaliente 1
46023, Valencia
Tel: +34 96 330 11 09
Fax: +34 96 330 65 11
E-mail: fsvcv-eu@global-eu.com
Web site: http://www.solidaridadyvoluntariado.org

C/Jaén, nº 13 local.
28020 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 554 90 42.
E-mail: hacesfalta@fchandra.org
Web site: http://www.hacesfalta.org

Other organisations

Agecia Española de Cooperación Internacional
Avenida de los reyes católicos, 4
28040 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 583 81 00/01/02
Fax: +34 91 583 83 10 /11/13
Web site: http://www.aeci.es

Web site: http://mural.uv.es/voluntariado

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