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MITEC project

IRIV has been selected under the Leonardo da Vinci programme (call for proposal 2003) "Lifelong learning". The project is called "Assessing voluntary experiences : identifying, evaluating and validating skills and qualifications acquired through volunteering as an informal learning for a professional purpose". Seven countries have been selected : France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. This project is supported by the European programme Leonardo da Vinci and the Regional council in Champagne Ardenne for the experimentation in France.
The web site of the project is on line
: www.eEuropeassociations.net.


Associations may be the ideal place to get accustomed and trained to novel and innovative solutions and practices, to experiment or acquire new skills. For volunteers, a voluntary experience may lead or facilitate a professional career. Identifying and evaluating the skills and qualifications acquired through volunteering in the associations should be the way to recognize and validate this informal learning. It should be very useful for people who have no professional experience to face with a first activity (youngsters) and for people who have been kept away from the labour market to renew with a professional activity (parents who have raised their children, sick people when they have recovered, prisoners when they are free...). A voluntary experience is an alternative way to experiment, develop or renew with specific skills and qualifications in a specific context, nor public nor private, with both professional and non professional staff, with the goal to include and serve the general interest.


Our project consists in :


Building a double network :

Elaborating tools and methods :

Experimenting this identification, evaluation and validation


1st of October 2003 - 30th of March 2006



Didier Defer et Laurent Eliaszewicz

Immeuble Le Galilée
4 rue Galilée
93 198 Noisy le Grand
Tel.: 01 49 31 70 58/ 75 67  www.pole-emploi.fr
Dr Bénédicte Halba

11 rue de Saussure
75017 Paris
Tel.: +33 1 42 84 08 25
Comité régional olympique et sportif d'Ile de France
Gilbert Henry, élu chargé du sport de haut niveau

86 av Lénine
Tél : 01 49 85 84 90  http://www.infosports.org/
Michel Le Reste,
Evelyne Nahon Immeuble le Meliès 261, rue de Paris
93 556 Montreuil cedex
Tel.: 01 41 58 16 55 
Direction régionale de la jeunesse et des Sports
Bruno Gourmelon, chargé de mission "Sports de haut niveau"
6/8 rue Eugène Oudiné
75013 Paris
Tel.: 01 40 77 55 00 http://www.ile-de-france.jeunesse-sports.gouv.fr/
Christian Recoing, vice-président
22 rue d'Anjou
75008 Paris
Tel.: 01 44 94 19 94  http://www.umih.fr/
EDF Jean Pautrot, directeur Mobilité Groupe Services
38, rue Jacques Ibert
75177 Paris 17
Tel.: 01 40 42 58 51
Olivier Picque, conseiller sport
43 boulevard Diderot
75012 Paris
Tel.: 01 53 02 13 14 www.uniformation.fr 
Résonances humanitaires
Eric Gazeau, directeur
72 rue Orfila 75020 Paris  http://www.resonanceshumanitaires.org/  
 Accueil Villes Françaises (AVF)
Christine Colleville
3 Rue de Paradis -
75010 PARIS
Tél: 01 47 70 45 85 -
Fax : 01 47 70 46 86 http://www.avf.asso.fr/ 

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