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Female migrants are faced to specific difficulties on the labour market : imposed part time jobs (with fragmented working hours), family responsibilities (often single parents), linguistic issue and level of qualification (low qualified women). Their difficulties to be integrated in social and economic life are mostly due to a lack of training, especially those who don't know or have a difficult access to existing devices.


The main objective of the Migractrices is to design a training programme with a pedagogical approach for female migrants. The training programme includes a professional support, the identification of the main difficulties faced both for applying for a job or a training, but also a network of stakeholders providing a social and/or professional support to migrants.

The quantitative indicators include the number of involved female migrants, having folowed a training session and shaving received a certificate. The qualitative indicators include a form, a grid of evaluation and questionnaires of evaluation for women, local stakeholders and participants at the national steering committee.

Project outcomes

  1. a training programme for female migrants
  2. an experimentation among female migrants in the three departments
  3. minutes of the national steering committee
  4. a weblog for testimonies of participants and partners
  5. a virtual plateform to dispatch the results


There are four phases :

  1. phase 1 : involving women with the appropriate profiles through meetings with local stakeholders ;
  2. phase 2 : designing a pedagogical content on the basis of the identified needs ;
  3. phase 3: implementation and experimentation during three sessions of training per territory ;
  4. phase 4 : validation among local stakeholders in charge of economical integration (associations, social firms, interim agencies, public and private sectors.


Assfam, ADEL and iriv with the support of the Direction de l’Accueil, de l’Intégration et de la Citoyenneté (DAIC) at the Ministry of Internal affairs


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