Studies among associations in two departments (Ille et Vilaine and Isère) and two regions (Midi-Pyrénées and Champagne Ardenne) on the access, use and impatc of Internet on volunteering. Studies realised for the Regional and Departemental Direction for Youth and Sports in Ille et Vilaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Champagne Ardennes and for the Conseil général in Isère.
Knowledge, expertise and data on the access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and e-working among the associations because the voluntery sectr suffers from a lack of information on associations connected to Internet and a lack of knowledge on the use of Internet among associations and its impact on volunteering.
Investigations in four regions:
Departements : Ille et Vilaine (35) and Isère (38)
Regions: Champagne-Ardenne and Midi-Pyrénées
May-June: Dispatching of the questionnaires , contacts July-Agust : data collection September-october : Analysis of the questionnaires
November-December : Synthesis of the data collected, conclusions and proposals December : Reports.
Regional and Departmental Directions for Youth and Sports in Champagne-Ardenne, Midi-Pyrénées and Ille et Vilaine and Conseil général in Isère.