iriv 's team in 2025

Bénédicte Halba Bénédicte Halba
Founding President
Doctor in Economics (University of Paris I, France)

Bénédicte Halba, PhD in Economics, is the founding president of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv). She was a junio rresearcher at the Ministry of Youth an...
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Bénédicte Halba, PhD in Economics, is the founding president of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv). She was a junio rresearcher at the Ministry of Youth and Sports (1991-1994), an expert for the Conseil de l'Europe at two workshops - the Economic Impact of Sport and Volunteering/Volunteering (1992-1994). She dedicated her doctoral thesis to the economics of sport, the first defended on this subject in Europe (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 1996). In 1997 she created iriv, where she directed studies, training through iriv conseil and the development of websites. She is the editor and author of the iriv les rives de l'iriv e-journal (, since 2004), a  Newsletter dedicated to Diversity ((, since 2018), a monthly newsletter in support of Ukraine (since March 2022), and a daily newsletter on the occasion of the JOP Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 ( The Leonardo da Vinci pilot project, which she initiated and led in 7 countries, VAEB pour un projet professionnel, was awarded in 2006 in Helsinki as one of the 10 best European projects contributing to the Copenhagen process. The pioneer project Migrapass (2010-2012) that she initiated with a French association in 5 European countries led to the creation of a monthly club for the professional integration for a migrant audience at the Cité des Métiers de Paris (2012-2022). The project Réussir à l'école grâce au bénévolat - Succes at school Through Volunteering (SAS) (SAS) (2012-2014) that she initiated with the University of Northampton in 6 European countries has made it possible to propose an initiation action to volunteer with young people in Essonne. She has taught at the University since 2000 in France and Europe (Austria, United Kingdom ...). She has been a member of the board of several associations - Cicos (2007-2011), Assfam (2011-2014) or FISPE (2015-2017) ; she has been collaborating since 2023 with the association "Faisceau convergent" which organizes every year a festival of short films dedicated to diversity. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss ECAP Foundation since 2015 and an active member of the professional Order of Chartered accountants (OEC, Ile de France) since 2017. For the Committee Associations, she co-organized the Journées du Monde associatif (JMA2022 & JMA2023), animated a series of webinars and published articles (Jurisassociations). Her actions on the ground with a migrant audience and with young people in Essonne are presented on the portal She has published several books (Documentation française, De Boeck, Larousse...), numerous articles or research reports (related to the more than 60 projects in which she participated) that are accessible on the portal with the iriv electronic journal, and newsletters on diversity and in support of Ukraine. She participated in an international experiment on "social and emotional skills" (2014-2024) which inspired her newsletters on Ukraine & diversity and the Superdiversity portal.

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Christiane Adjovi Christiane Adjovi
general secretary
Master 2 Population & Sociology (University of Cotonou, Bénin)& Science of Education (Université PAris VIII, France)

Christiane ADJOVI is a teacher (since 2016). She was previously a teacher in French as a foreign Language (FLE) and Alphabétisation (2006-2015) at the association Atouts Cours. Graduate in Soci...
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Christiane ADJOVI is a teacher (since 2016). She was previously a teacher in French as a foreign Language (FLE) and Alphabétisation (2006-2015) at the association Atouts Cours. Graduate in Sociology  and Anthropology (Master, University of Cotonou, Benin, 1999) and in Dynamics of Populations (DESS/Master 2, University of Cotonou, Benin 2001), she is also graduate in  Educational Sciences (University Paris VIII, 2015). She was in charge of assessing Volunteering among an association Zy’Va (Nanterre, 2006). She was in charge of several studies on Health Policy in Africa (European Commission, 2004 ; UNICEF , 2003 and PNUD, 2002. She was in charge to assess management in health centres and scolarisation of girls in Benin (1996). She was co-founder of an association- FISPE (2015). Since 2015, she has published several articles for the electronic review of iriv- les rives d l'iriv. She has been a teacher among children aged 3 to 5 in primary schools in Seine Saint Denis since 2016.

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Nathalie Elio Nathalie Elio
Chartered accountant and statutory auditor

Chartered accountant registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC), she is a partner of the firm Doucet, Beth & Associés. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Committee Assoc...
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Chartered accountant registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC), she is a partner of the firm Doucet, Beth & Associés. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Committee Associations of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Paris Ile de France. She also contributes to the journal Jurisassociations. She organizes training for associations and in particular for Coordination Sud (a group of NGOs). She carries out many financial audits of projects in particular financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and by the European Union (programme Europaid). In particular, she conducted a study for AFD on voluntary in-kind contributions. She has been a treasurer at iriv since 2021.

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Peter Wells Peter Wells
member of the board
Bachelor degrees in Sports Science and Philosophy and Masters degrees in Philosophy and Medical Ethics.

Peter Wells was born in London in 1947, the son of a German mother and an English father. Peter is proud to have been a teacher for the entire duration of his adult life, having taught learners from t...
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Peter Wells was born in London in 1947, the son of a German mother and an English father. Peter is proud to have been a teacher for the entire duration of his adult life, having taught learners from the ages of four to eighty four, across all phases of the UK education system. His academic background and qualifications span Philosophy, Medical Ethics and Sports Science. Having retired from a full time post as the Deputy Dean of a university Faculty of Education in 2016, he has recently been employed as a consultant for the UK’s Open University, specialising in the governance and quality assurance of higher education in the UK and overseas. He also supports and advises Masters students studying Law and Medical Ethics. He is a Justice of the Peace and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Since 2019 he has volunteered for the Samaritans charity in the UK, being engaged in both recruitment and training. He voted ‘remain’ in the 2016 UK EU referendum.

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Gérard Lejeune Gérard Lejeune
graduate from Sciences Po Paris & Chartered accountant

Gérard Lejeune, chartered accountant and auditor, is a graduate of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). He is a partner of France DEFI. He created his accounting firm i...
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Gérard Lejeune, chartered accountant and auditor, is a graduate of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). He is a partner of France DEFI. He created his accounting firm in Essonne. He has held numerous volunteer positions as a director of national, regional or local associations. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Associations, mode d'emploi". He is an active member of the Ordre régional des experts comptables d'Ile de France, notably on the "associations" and "CSE" committees. He has already contributed to iriv’s electronic journal for its anniversary issue (2004-2024).

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Olivier Rapinier Olivier Rapinier
president of association

Born in Paris, Olivier is a Parisian from the Islands; he is originally from Martinique. Lover of images and sounds, he is interested in cinema and music of the Mother Continent and its Diaspora. In t...
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Born in Paris, Olivier is a Parisian from the Islands; he is originally from Martinique. Lover of images and sounds, he is interested in cinema and music of the Mother Continent and its Diaspora. In the mid-1990s, he was assistant sound and light director at the Divan du Monde (Pigalle district, Paris). He discovered the BLACK SUGAR evenings created and animated by the African-American choreographer and dancer, Gérard Sidney Wilson. Working at the SNCF for more than 20 years, he is a member of the Union Artistique et Intellectuelle des Cheminots Français (UAICF) cinema-video section and the association of cinephiles, CEUX DU RAIL  (present at the Cannes Film Festival and the Rencontres Cinématographiques de Cannes (RCC). He was an assistant to Togolese director Jeff Gaou, a member of Bomb Factory Studio, a music video specialist. In 2015, he directed the short fiction film “Mots!!! Maux…” (with female performer Souria Adèle). From 2017 to 2020, he was vice-president of the Fédération Française Cinéma et Vidéo ( FFCV) which brings together self-produced filmmakers and videographers. In 2018, he founded and presided the association FAISCEAU CONVERGENT which organizes in 2019, the festival LES COULEURS DU COURT under the impetus of the Corsican director Marie Cipriani, with the support of the UAICF, CEUX DU RAIL, the BNF, the 100 ECS Paris, the associations FOUR A-RTS, TASVU, CAPE TOWN, DIVIPASSION.  This festival aims to give a spotlight to authors (s) who make self-produced short films around diversity, disability and LGBT. The various editions were sponsored by artists from different disciplines (actors, directors, producers, journalists, photographers, etc. ) embodying diversity (Cameroonian, Congolese, Korean, Franco-Vietnamese, Franco-Tusiano-Algerian, West Indian…).

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