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Articles & books - Dr Bénédicte Halba

Since 1995, Bénédicte Halba has been written alone or with co-authors several books and many articles in national and international reviews.

Books published by iriv

Publications - Other editors


Reports and other publications

  • 2023 - manuel sur la créativité au service de la diversité - B.Halba (editrice) -

    In terms of diversity, Europe has played a role on several levels. The manual designed for the Think Diverse! provides a basis for continuing education for adults accompanying young people (regardless of their profile) who work in multicultural environments, a key feature of modern societies. The spirit of the Think Diverse project is to use creativity and creative skills as a human resources management tool, with a multidisciplinary approach combining economics, management, law, history, sociology, psychology.

  • 2022 - Guide pratique sur la créativité au service de la diversité - B. Halba -

    This guide designed for the Think Diverse (Erasms +, 2021-2023) is meant to support the creative sets suggested in the three countries to enhance diversity.
    In a first point it reminds the creativity approach together with a very applied approach suggested by the Epstein Inventory and a selection of key articles mentionned in the bibliography.
    In a second point the general context of diversity in Europe is reminded- with the legal framework suggested since 1957 (Treaty of Rome), some main improvements since 2000 (Directives against discrimination based on gender & ethnic origin) and the Charter for Fundamental rights adopted in 2010 (50 rights on the basis of 6 notions : Dignity ;Freedoms ; Equality ; Solidarity; Citizen’s rights & Justice) .
    In a third point, the different kinds of diversity selected for the Think Diverse are explained as an illustration of the innovative strategy implemented– gender diversity in Italy (Skill up & TAG, Italy), mental/health diversity (Curva Polar & Neotalentway, Spain) and interreligious & intercultural diversity (iriv & Lirac, France).
    In a fourth point, some practical exercises are explained- working on stereotypes & clichés; a “geographical” diversity in the cities gathered (Rome, Grenada and Paris) as examples of European cities – modern, multicultural, and diverse.
    The glossary is suggesting a selection of notions that can be enriched by educators while working with youngsters or with their co-workers. The bibliography has also selected main articles that should be enriched as the creative approach is on the agenda of policy makers in the field of Education- in Europe (European Union) but also worldwide (OECD).

  • 2021 - GRIT- Growth mindset for tackling Early School Leaving (ESL) - Halba B (ed), Alexandre J. ,  Borek A, Ferreira I.A, Fret L.,  Geeraerts K.,  Solntseva S., Swat-Pawlicka M., Walczak B. -

    This final publication of the Grit (Erasmus +) project, led by the University Karel De Grote (Antwerp, Belgium), IRIV (Paris, France), the University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), and the University of Warsaw (POlogne ), coordinated by iriv combines theoretical and practical articles (based on experimentation with tools produced in the four countries), and is aimed at key actors involved in educational policies with innovative strategies to fight against failure school. (Paris, June 2021, 125 pages)

  • 2021 - CLASS un ebook pour les éducateurs pour lutter contre l'échec scolaire - Halba B. (ed) , Bartolucci M. , Bascelli A.,  Batini F.,  Bosse M.,   Caronna L., Castellani A,  Ciavattella A. ,  De Carlo E. ,  Di Francesco V.,  Galante L.,  Nanni S. ,  Nerone M. , Oliveira L. &  Pinto C. -

    This final publication of the CLASS (Erasmus +) project, led by Solco (Rome, Italy) with the Galileo Galilei-Pescara Scientific High School (Italy) and the University of Perugia (Italy), IRIV (Paris, France), Caritas-Borken (Germany), and DesinCoop (Portugal) was coordinated by iriv and combines theoretical and practical articles (based on the experimentation of the CLASS approach in the 4 countries). It is aimed at key players involved in educational policies and alternative strategies to fight against school failure (Paris, September 2021, 130 pages)

  • 2021 - Diverpass- an ebook for professionals supporting migrants - Halba B (ed), Arnaud B. ,  Borek B.,   Bulzomì G.,   Dionisio A., Laurenzi L.,   Meszaros A.,   Millot C.,  Nadot S., and Walczak B. -

    This final publication of the DiverPass (Erasmus +) project, led by Cité Saint Pierre (Caritas France) with IRIV (Paris, France), Erifo (Rome, Italy), Jovokerek (Budapest, Hungary) and STOP (Warsaw, POlogne) has been coordinated by iriv and combines theoretical and practical articles (based on the experimentation of the DiverPass manual in the 4 countries). It is aimed at key players involved in migration policies, and allows more effective support for migrant audiences by professionals with various profiles (Paris, November 2021, 147 pages)

  • 2019 - EducOpera- An education to Opera as a Method of Reducing Early School Leaving - M. Bartolucci, B. Halba, M. Kovačič (eds) avec F. Batini, J. Boyano, F. Campos, C. Christrup Kjeldsen, D. Michel-Schertges, N. Rosendal Jensen, A. Santoro -

    final publication finale of the EducOpera project (Erasmus +, 2017-2019) led by the Opera of Massy (Essonne) & iriv conseil (France) with the Universiy of Perugia (Italy), University of Aarhus (Denmark), the Research centre ZRC SAZU (Slovenia) and the VET organisation Infodef (Spain)

  • 2018 - Schola- Sois bénévole et réussis à l'école - edité par M. Kovačič & D. Podjed with B. Arino, M. Bartolucci, A. Borek, B. Halba, S. Peetroons, W. Smets -

    final publication of the SCHOLA project (Erasmus +, 2016-2018) led by the collège Blaise Pascal (Massy, Essonne) & iriv, edited by  the Slovenian Research Center ZRC SAZU, with the collège Blaise Pascal & iriv (France), University of Perugia (Italie), University Karel de Grote (Belgium) and the University of Warsaw (Poland).

  • 2017 - Educational guide for the assessment of Key competences among disadvantaged adult learners Lessons from 5 EU countries - Couvreux-Chapeau (Vanessa ), Halba (Bénédicte ), Eila Burns, Peuna-Korpioja (Kaija), Butkeviciene (Nijole ), Stelbiene ( Loreta), Boyano ( Jesus), Campo (Federico), Koscialek (Ida & Lech) - final publicaiton edited by the European team of the Key Tutors (Erasmus +, 2015-2017) dedicated to the support provided by tutors to learners with fewer opportunities
  • 2017 - Schola- portfolio pour identifier les compétences acquises par les élèves grâce au bénévolat - Halba (Bénédicte) - POrtfolio- tool & strategy edited by iriv conseil for the European project Schola (2016-2018), Erasmus +, led by the College Blaise Pascal (Massy, France)
  • 2017 - Formation pour les jeunes engagés dans une action de bénévolat pour la Ciotyenneté - Halba (Bénédicte), ed ; Ibanez (Monica), Podjed (Dan), Antoniou (Loucas), Andelmo (Claudia) - trainoing edited by iriv conseil for the JuCiVol project (2016-2018)
  • 2017 - Training for youngsters involved in Volunteering for Citizeship - Halba (Bénédicte), ed ; Ibanez (Monica), Podjed (Dan), Antoniou (Loucas), Andelmo (Claudia) - training edited by Bénédicte Halba for iriv conseil for the project- JUCIVOL (2016-2018) initiated by iriv conseil together with the University of Burgos (Spain) is an Erasmus + project - Key Action 3  (2016-2018). It gathers a European team in Spain (leader), France (iriv conseil), Italy (Erifo), Cyprus (INEK PEO) and Slovenia (ZRC SAZU). The training is addressing youngsters aged 16-30 years, living in sensitive urban areas and willing to value the competences acquired thanks to a voluntary experience mainly focused on KC6- social and civic competences and KC7- sense of intiative and entrepreneurship.
  • 2016 - Guide pour l’évaluation des apprentissages linguistiques - B.Halba & S. Junge & Lorenzo Rocca -
  • 2016 - Guide pour construire un cours de formation linguistique intégrant l’approche formation professionnelle - B. Halba & F. Benardz -
  • 2016 - a tool & process to identify and assess key competences among learners with fewer opportunities - B. Halba (author & editor) with J. Boyano, E. Burns, N. Butkeviciene, V. Chapeau and I.Koscielak -
  • 2016 - Guide pour former des tuteurs sur les compétences clés - Bénédicte HALBA -
  • 2015 - Guide pour promouvoir l'approche Di&Di - B. Halba - Guide to support the Di&Di traiing- Enhancing Diversity and Struggling against Discrimination in the Labour market
  • 2015 - Guide for the Di&Di training - B. Halba - European Guide to support the Transfer of the Di&Di approach- Enhancing Diversity and Struggling against Discrimination in the Labour market
  • 2014 - Guide pour accompagner des publics migrants dans une VAE - B. Halba - guide implemented during the workshops and clubs offered at the Cité des métiers in the framework of the Allinhe project (Erasmus, 2011-2014)
  • 2014 - Guide pour réussir à l'école grâce au bénévolat - B. Halba - published in the framework of the European project 'Success at school through volunteering" (Comenius, 2012-2014, www.successatschool.eu)  experimented in Essonne with the City hall of Massy and the College Blaise Pascal.
  • 2014 - Guide pour sensibiliser à l'approche par la compétence les publics peu qualifiés, l'exemple du secteur de la propreté - B. Halba - published in the framework of the European project Valbuk (Leonardo da Vinci, 2012-2014)
  • 2014 - Validation of Prior learning (VPL) in Europe and abroad A focus on personalizing the VPL-model - R. Duvekot & B.Halba - Duvekot (Ruud) &  Halba (Bénédicte),  final research report, project Allinhe (Erasmus 2011-2014), Rotterdam: Inholland University, August 2014
  • 2013 - Rapport MigrActrices en Seine et Marne - B. Halba - Final report on the action implemented by iriv in Seine et Marne in the framework of the project MigrActrices pour l'Emploi, supported by the Ministery for Internal Affairs.
  • 2013 - Rapport final Trans-Cité - B. Halba - Research action implemented by iriv in three territories: Essonne, Yvelines and Seine et Marne in the framework of the project Trans-Cité, an experience of Transmission and Citizenship, supported by the Regional Council in Ile de France
  • 2012 - Synthèse des Assises du Bénévolat- Luxembourg - B. Halba - Conference  on "The key of success on the transition active life to retirement"- iriv for the Agence du Bénévolat du Luxembourg, October 2012.
  • 2012 - Rapport final - Migrapass, un portfolio et un accompagnement pour les migrants - B. Halba et alii - Final publication, Migrapass, coordinated by dr Bénédicte Halba, iriv, Paris, October 2012.
  • 2011 - Portfolio pour valoriser les compétences sociales des femmes migrantes - B.Halba & alii - a portfolio edited in the framework of the French project Tremplin Migrant(e)s, supported by the Regional Council of Ile de France
  • 2010 - Valuing the experience and education of local councillors in Europe- Va2el- final publication - B. Halba - December
  • 2009 - Comparative research report on Migration, Cultural mediation and the TIPS perspective in Europe - B. Halba - October
  • 2009 - Statut de l'élu local en France : enjeux et perspectives pour la Valorisation des Acquis de l'Expérience - B. Halba avec A.Brianceau - iriv, Paris, April
  • 2008 - Programme de Formation Pilote pour les Médiateurs Interculturels en Europe - B. Halba - TIPS</a project, July 2008
  • 2008 - Rapport sur la Politique et les Acteurs de l'Immigration en France - B.Halba avec V. Cournède - March
  • 2008 - Rapport sur la Médiation Interculturelle en France - B. Halba - TIPS project, PAris, April
  • 2008 - Rapport sur la Consultation menée auprès des Médiateurs Interculturels en Ile-de-France - B. Halba avec V. Cournède - TIPS project, May
  • 2007 - Mémos : "Sportifs de haut niveau" , "Expatriés", "Bénévoles", "Des compétences aux emplois-métiers", "Outil de navigation profesionnelle MITEC" - B. Halba - Mitec project, Paris, July
  • 2007 - French Case studies focussing on VPL in the voluntary sector - 10 examples in France - B. Halba - Managing European Diversity in lifelong learning - The many perspectives of the Valuation of Prior Learning in the European workplaces, VPL2 project, Leonardo da Vinci pilot project, European Commission, initiated by the HAN University (Nijmegen, Netherlands), May 2007
  • 2007 - Valoriser les acquis d'une expérience bénévole au sein d'ARIA - B. Halba - final report, FSE ARIA project, co-financed by the Social Action for the Army (Ministry for Defence) and the European Social Fund, May 2007
  • 2006 - Involve - L'engagement bénévole et civique des migrants et des minorités ethniques - B. Halba - Final report for France France, Involve project, INTI programme, European Commission, initiated by CEV (Brussels, Belgium) , June 2006
  • 2006 - Vision 21 - Bénévolat et services sociaux : se mobiliser pour lutter contre l'exclusion sociale au 21ème siècle - Bertinelli (Anna), Cruz Fernandez (Berta), Halba (Bénédicte) , Matela (Piotr) - Vision21 project, Grundtvig Project, European Commssion, Direction de l'Education et de la Culture à l'initiative de l'Instytut Rozwoju Sluzb Spolecznych (IRSS), Septembre 2006.
  • 2006 - Valoriser les acquis d'une expérience bénévole (VAEB) pour un projet professionnel - B. Halba - Rapport final, VAEB Pilot project , program Leonardo da Vinci, European Commssion, initiated by IRIV (France), March 2006.
  • 2006 - Repères régionaux de la Jeunesse - B. Halba - Etude prospective, INJEP, Marly le Roi, March 2006.
  • 2005 - Rapport sur l'Expérimentation du Portfolio VAEB auprès des Bénévoles - B. Halba - VAEB project, June 2005
  • 2004 - Rapport sur le Bénévolat et la Valorisation de l'Expérience Bénévole en France - B. Halba - VAEB project, March 2004
  • 2004 - Rapport sur la Consultation auprès des Associations franciliennes et champagne-ardennaises - B. Halba - VAEB project, October 2004
  • 2004 - Valorisation de l'engagement des bénévoles associatifs en Bretagne - B. Halba - Pilot project, Direction régionale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Bretagne, Rennes, September 2004
  • 2004 - Etude de faisabilité pour un guide régional concernant la Jeunesse, l'Education populaire et la Vie associative - B. Halba - INJEP, Marly le Roi, March 2004.
  • 2003 - Mem-Vol : bénévolat des migrants et des minorités ethniques - B. Halba - Final report for France, A Transnational Exchange Programme in Austria, denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom in the framework of the Community Action programme to Combat Social Exclusion, Mem-Vol project, European Commssion and Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth in Germany, initiated by INBAS Sozialforschung , Francfort on Main, Germany, July 2003
  • 2003 - Galaxie Jeunesse - B. Halba - Report, INJEP, Marly le Roi, March 2003
  • 2002 - Etude sur les Jeunes et les Associations - B. Halba - Report, INJEP, Marly le Roi, June 2002
  • 2002 - Etude prospective sur l'accès et l'utilisation d'Internet dans les associations- étude pilote en Isère - B. Halba - Conseil général d'Isère, Grenoble, December 2002
  • 2002 - Etude prospective sur l'accès et l'utilisation d'Internet dans les associations- étude pilote en Ille et Vilaine - B. Halba - Direction départementale de la Jeunesse et des Sports d'Ille et Vilaine, Rennes, Octobre 2002
  • 2002 - Etude prospective sur l'accès et l'utilisation d'Internet dans les associations- étude pilote en Haute-Garonne - B. Halba - Direction départementale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, Octobre 2002
  • 2001 - Encourager et faciliter le travail avec les bénévoles - Strümpel (Charlotte), Schumacher (Jürgen) - pilot project, program Leonardo da Vinci, European Commssion, initiated by ISIS, Francfort on Main, Germany, May 2001
  • 2001 - Evaluation d'un réseau de bénévoles - B. Halba - Rapport final, Association Ecoliers du Monde/Aide et Action , Paris, July 2001
  • 2001 - Etude prospective pour la création d'un Centre national de formation pour les dirigeants associatifs - B. Halba - Direction régionale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de la région Centre, Orléans, July 2001
  • 2001 - Tableau de bord sur les jeunes en Seine Maritime - B. Halba - Rapport final , Direction régionale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Haute-Normandie, Rouen, May 2001
  • 2000 - Etude prospective pour un programme pluriannuel de formation des bénévoles en Seine Maritime - B. Halba - Direction départementale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Seine Maritime, Rouen, December 2000
  • 2000 - Les enjeux du bénévolat des jeunes en Europe - Cruziani (Tiziana), Halba (Bénédicte), Hijink (Annemieke), Lukka (Prya), Schumacher (Jürgen), Sverdrup (Kristin) - Youth for Europe program , European Commssion initiated by Iriv (France), December 2000
  • 2000 - Le bénévolat et le volontariat des jeunes en Champagne-Ardenne : un atout pour les jeunes, une chance pour les associations - B. Halba - Etude régionale, Direction régionale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Champagne-Ardenne, Châlons en Champagne, octobre 2000
  • 2000 - Le bénévolat et le volontariat des jeunes en Midi-Pyrénées: un atout pour les jeunes, une chance pour les associations - B. Halba - Etude régionale, Direction régionale de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, octobre 2000
  • 1999 - Avoir 20 ans dans 20 ans en Méditerranée - B. Halba - Atlas, INJEP, Marly le Roi, Décembre 1999
  • 1999 - Pool et forum de discussion sur Internet présentant des initiatives bénévoles innovantes - B. Halba - Report for France, Direction générale des affaires sociales, European Commssion initiated by Bagso, a German federal association of senior citizens' organisations, Bonn, Germany, October 1999
  • 1998 - Le bénévolat et le volontariat des jeunes: un atout pour les jeunes, une chance pour les associations - B. Halba - Etude pilote en Ile de France, Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports , Paris, December 1998
  • 1996 - Analyse comparative des modes de financement du sport - Bénédicte Halba - Doctorate in Economics passed at the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne, Paris, January.
  • 1994 - Les enjeux économiques du sport en Europe - W. Andreff, J-F Bourg, B. Halba, J-F Nys - European research report (1992-1994) for the Ministry for Youth and Sports (Paris) and the Council of Europe (Strasbourg) on the occasion of the Informal European Conference of the Ministries for Youth and Sports- April 1994

Articles published in the rives de l'iriv

Since 2004, Bénédicte Halba has been coordinating the electronic review les rives de l'iriv and has been writing the "rive éditoriale".

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