Migration, Volunteering and Integration policy
(2021 - 2024)
- Erasmus +
- européen
eMOOC (2021-2023) is led by an Italian University in 4 countries: Italy (University catholic of Milano), France (iriv), Germany (TÜr an Tür) and Spain (Documenta). It is meant to design online courses for professionals supporting migrants in their transition into the labour market. The eMOOC will be designed and tested in the 4 countries and should be the basis of both a theoretical and practical content.
(2019 - 2021)
- Erasmus +
- Key Action 2 (KA2)
(2018 - 2020)
- partenaire français
Le projet ESPor est la continuité du projet Espar (2016-2018), auquel avait déjà participé activement une équipe européenne- projet porté par l'Université catholique de Milan (UNICATT) avec des partenaires espagnols (agence nationale des réfugiés), français (iriv) et allemands (Tür an Tür). Elle a consisté pour les partenaires français à lire attentivement le rapport présenté (expérimentation réalisée en Italie auprès de plus de 400 professionnels dans plusieurs régions du Nord, du Sud et du Centre) et à utiliser les résultats du projet pour construire un nouveau projet (eMMOC, déposé trois fois et finalement accepté en 2021).
(2017 - 2019)
- Erasmus +
(2016 - 2019)
- Erasmus +
(2016 - 2019)
- Erasmus +
(2016 - 2018)
VINTAGE- VET Integrated Language Learning
(2014 - 2016)
- Lifelong Learning
- Key Activity 2- Languages
Migrations, mobility of workers and of students enrolled in VET and Higher Education, play a fundamental role in fostering a flexible and competitive job market at the European level; circulation of the workforce have to be encouraged, in order to reach the objectives defined by the Europe 2020 Strategy, making social cohesion and an inclusive society two pillars of EU competitiveness. On the other hand in the job market the importance of communication skills is constantly growing, due to new organizational patterns and globalization of migration flows. -
Di&Di- Enhancing Diversity and Struggling against Discrimination on the labour market
(2013 - 2015)
- Lifelong Learning
- Leonardo da Vinci
Together with Enda Europe, the iriv initiated the Di & Di project in 5 European coutnries: Franc,e Germany, Bulgaria, Italy and Switzerland. It is a transfer of innovation form the project Diversité + directed by Enda Europe (2007-2012) and former projects Migrapass (2010-2012) and mediateur Interculturel (2009) initiated by iriv. -
(2012 - 2014)
- Lifelong Learning
- Leonardo da Vinci
Initiated by the Swiss Fondation ECAP in seven European countries: Switzerland (ECAP, UNIA , Schweizerisches Verein für Weiterbildung & Maison romande de la Propreté), Germany (Forschung Betriebliche Bildung), Austria (3S Unternehmensberatung), France (iriv), Italy (Studio Meta & associati), the Netherlands (Inholland Hogeschool) and Slovenia (Zavod Institute)- Pilot project Leonardo da Vinci on qualification of workforce in the cleaning sector
(2012 - 2013)
- action supported by the DAIC (Ministry of Internal affairs)
- projet national
Initiated by Assfam, Adel & iriv, this project offers a training to enhance professional integration of female migrants. This project was selected by the Direction de l'Accompagnement, de l'Intégration et de la Citoyenneté (DAIC) in 2012.
For futher information: http://www.migractrices.blogspot.fr/ -
(2012 - 2013)
- Regional support for citizenship in Ile de France
- action soutenue par le Conseil régional d'Ile de France
Initiated by iriv together with Assfam - project meant to enhance citizenship among youngsters & female migrants thanks to volunteering in the suburb in Ile de France. This project was selected by the Regional Council in Ile de France in 2012.
For further information: http://www.trans-cite.blogspot.fr/ -
Migrapass - a portfolio and a companion for migrants
(2010 - 2012)
- Lifelong Learning
- Leonardo da Vinci
Initiated by iriv together with Autremonde in the framework of the Lifelong Learning (LLL) programme, in 5 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Spain and United Kingdom). www.migrapass.eu and http://migrapass.blogspot.com/
Tremplin Migrant (e)s
(2010 - 2011)
Initiated by iriv together with Autremonde and Femmes égalité, a regional project supported by the Regional Council of Ile de France and the European Social Fund to enhance volunteering among migrants. http://iriv-migrations.blogspot.com/
Médiateur interculturel
initiated by iriv , with the support of Uniformation and l'Acse. http://www.mediateur-interculturel.net
TIPS T-learning to improve professional skills for intercultural dialogue (2007-2009)
(2007 - 2009)
- Lifelong learning
- Leonardo da Vinci
Initiated by Consorzio For.com (Italy) in the framework of the Lifelong Learning (LLL) programme, in 5 countries (Austria, Greece, France, Italy and Poland).- www.forcom.it/tipsproject
Involve : migrants' involvement in voluntary and civic activities as a means of integration
(2005 - 2006)
Initiated by the European Center for Volunteering (Brussels) under the INTI programme (dedicated to third country nationals), in 7 countries (Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom)- project meant to enhance involvement of third country nationals in volunteering as a means of better integration - www.involve-europe.eu
MEM-VOL- Migrants and Ethnic Minority Volunteering
- General Direction of Social Affairs
Initiated by Inbas Sozialforschung (Germany) under the Transnational programme for Social Cohesion (Social Affairs, European Commission) in 6 countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom ) on volunteering as a means of social, cultural and professional integration and of empowerment and development of the civil society , - ww.mem-volunteering.net
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